Early diagnosis for Acromegaly patients – Research Study

Would you like to help Acromegaly patients get diagnosed earlier to improve their quality of life? We are trying to do just that and invite you to help.

Acromegaly, including gigantism, is caused by a growth in the pituitary gland that results in too much growth hormone being made. This can affect external appearance and internal organs causing early high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and many other problems that shortens and impacts the quality of a person’s life. Currently, Acromegaly takes many years to diagnose.

We will be launching an international research study to determine if we can detect the earliest signs of Acromegaly using the latest computer technology. This study is led by Dr. Michael D. Cusimano, a Neurosurgeon and Professor in Toronto, Canada.

If you or a family member have Acromegaly/gigantism or a pituitary tumour, you can directly help by participating in this study. Please look out for an invitation to this study that will provide more information and a secure online link to participate. In preparation of participating, we encourage you to prepare a collection of pictures of your face and/ or hands and feet, as well as any documents you might have about proof of your condition.

If you’d like to learn more or have questions about taking part in this study, please send an email to the research team at acromegaly-research@smh.ca

Thank you for considering participating in this study!

WAPO webinar on this project by Dr Michael D. Cusimano: