Bylaws and Remuneration Policy
A bylaw (or bye-law) is a rule or law established by an organization or community to regulate itself, as allowed or provided for by some higher authority.
The WAPO Bylaws (first edition 2017) will be reviewed regularly and updated – after approval of the WAPO community during the AGM (or online AGM) – when necessary.
In 2019 an update was approved.
At the 2023 AGM another update will be discussed.
Remuneration Policy
The remuneration policy of our organization is based on reimbursement of actual expenses.
For volunteers, speakers and board members, the actual travel expenses are reimbursed. Travel expenses when using public transportation such as train (2nd class), airplane (economy class) and cab are reimbursed one-to-one.
Medical and/or travel insurance are at own costs.
When a board member or volunteer are invited to represent the organization at a multi-day conference or meeting, the hotel costs (reasonable pricing), airplane (economy class) and meals are reimbursed, upon receipt of the WAPO Expense Claim form.